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APIAn Application Programming Interface, or API, is a special connection created between a computer and some software over the internet. This connection allows you to securely communicate or access data in “sessions”, to ensure maximum safety without reducing performance. More info.
REST APIRepresentational state transfer, or RESTful API, or REST API, is a style of computer architecture developed in 2000 by Dr. Roy Fielding. Dr. Fielding realized there would be a need for large amounts of data to be sent instantly, so he developed a new method of data transfer to fit that need. REST APIs exist in every modern web-application, and modern HTTP protocols and methods were developed from it. More info.
Modular ArchitectureModular Architecture, or Modular Programming, is a style of software development built on the idea, “only use what you need”. This style focuses on separating the functionality of software into modules that can be used or discarded without affecting one another. It allows developers to individually choose which parts of a program that want to keep or discard, which creates an organized structure for the program to work in. More info.
If-Else HellIf-Else Hell or Callback Hell is a common trap that many developers fall victim to. It refers to the overuse of the if-else statement in programming languages, and has many drawbacks in terms of readability and performance. It is considered bad practice in the software industry, and experienced developers will always say “KISS” (Keep it simple, stupid) or “DRY” (Don’t repeat yourself) in turn. More info.
OAuth2Open Authorization 2.0, or OAuth2, is the newest security standard used across the internet to protect users from thid-party attackers and hackers. It generates secure key for a user to access a web-application with. When the user has finished using the website, that token is destroyed, ensuring no other users can impersonate or steal sensitive data from either the user or the application. More info.
.js.js is a file type that is used by the programming language JavaScript. It denotes that this file is formatted to be interpreted as JavaScript. There are other similar languages that can use the .js extension, but they are rarely used in comparison.
npmnpm, or Node Package Manager, is a package manager for JavaScript maintained by GitHub, a subsidiary of Microsoft. It contains an online library of millions of packages and modules for users to download and use for their own projects. By default, Node.js and other JavaScript runtime environments will use npm as their default package manager.